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Primobolan 175mg, is an androgenic steroid that musclebuilders take to enhance their growth of muscle, decrease muscle deterioration, and increase physical and muscular strength.
It has long half life and lower androgenic qualities thus is safer to use in both men and women. It causes least damage to the liver. It has shown improvement in malnourished children, patients with osteoporosis etc…
Methenolone enanthate is the liquid version of methenolone. Methenolone acetate is the name of the oral tablet. It can be taken in both oral and injectable forms. Oral form has a 4-6-hour active life; whereas liquid (injectable) methenolone has a greater active life of 24-hours(10-14 days).
Dosage: Pharmaqo Primobolan 175mg x 10ml
For males, the recommended Primobolan 175 mg dosage is 200-400mg per week, or 50-150mg per day (if competing). Women’s doses are far lower, at only 50-100mg each week (although some studies suggest 25-75 mgs per day is safe).
Adverse effects: Pharmaqo Primobolan 175mg x 10ml
- Depression
- acne
- oily skin
- hair loss/balding
- excess body hair
- increases in poor cholesterol,
- gynecomastia
- Development of male physical characteristics
- Cardiovascular issues: it leads to a rise in bad cholesterol and drop in good body cholesterol.
- Decreased testosterone production in the body.
Contraindications of methenolone enanthate: Pharmaqo Primobolan 175mg x 10ml
- Hypersensitivity: people who are allergic to this drug should avoid it’s consumption since it may lead to hypersensitivity reactions like rashes, edema , etc.
- Prostate or breast cancer: Its use can potentiate growth of tumors in prostate gland or in breasts which will ultimately lead to that organ cancer.
- Pregnancy and lactation period:- This drug may lead to teratogenic effects in the fetus and may also hinder its development. It may also get transferred to the newborn if taken during a lactational period.
- Severe hepatic impairment: Methenolone is metabolized in liver and patients with damaged liver cannot metabolize it leading to an increase in its concentration in the body
- Cardiovascular issues.
- Children and adolescents: Anabolic steroids inhibit growth of an individual thus must be avoided.
Uses : Pharmaqo Primobolan 175mg x 10ml
- Gain in muscle mass:Methenolone is used by muscle builders and by those who are into weight-lifting to promote growth of muscle mass and tissue and its development.
- Cutting Cycle: It helps in reducing fat but does not reduce or cut muscle mass.
- Intensification in execution
- Bone Density: it helps in increasing density of bones thus is helpful in diseases like osteoporosis in which bones become hollow.
Storage: Pharmaqo Primobolan 175mg x 10ml
- Temperature: Methenolone enanthate should be stored at room temperature, typically between 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F). It should not be kept under extreme temperature difference conditions.
- Light: Preserve it from getting destroyed from natural light since it may destroy its composition.
- Moisture: keep it under dry conditions and away from children.