Pharmaqo Boldenone 300mg x 10ml
Boldenone 300mg is a potent oil-based injectable steroid that has been coupled with specific anabolic esters to increase the steroid’s half-life while also extending and prolonging its complete release. The most striking feature about Boldenone, which is synthesized as a derivative of conventional testosterone, is its unique capacity to provide anabolic strength improvements and lean muscle gain while minimizing the number of androgenic effects induced by short and long-term usage of this steroid. Boldenone’s appeal stems in part from the fact that it has substantially lower androgenic and estrogenic activity than testosterone and other classic anabolic steroids.
Boldenone 300mg primary activity is anabolic, with just a little androgenic potential. Despite the fact that it is illegal, the drug is frequently used in bodybuilding doping. If the chemical is used for bodybuilding, it is usually coupled with other anabolic steroids in a steroid stack, with a potent androgen such as testosterone serving as the stack’s ‘base.’ Boldenone is an androgen that differs only by one double bond at the 1-position from 17b-testosterone (17b-T), and it is orally active owing to the absence of the methyl group that shields the 17-OH group.
Boldenone 300mg Side Effects
- Acne
- Hair Growth
- Masculinization
- Increased Sexual Desire
If any of the symptoms are severe and have been bothering you for a long time, see your doctor and get medical help right away.
Despite the fact that it stays active for a much longer period of time, Boldenone 300mg undecylenate is injected at least once a week for physique or performance enhancement purposes. It’s commonly given in doses of 200-400 mg once a week (men). If necessary, the dosing schedule might be divided even further to reduce the volume of each injection, with the drug administered two to three times each week. To avoid pain or infection, it’s also a good idea to rotate injection sites on a regular basis. Boldenone undecylenate, rather than being a quick bulk builder, is a steady yet constant builder of strength and quality muscle. The positive effects of this drug are most seen when it is used for a long time, usually eight weeks or more. Instead of the smooth bulk associated with testosterone, the muscle gained should be more defined and significant.
Because water bloat has a little impact on muscle diameter, more of the apparent size gained during a boldenone undecylenate cycle should be preserved when the medicine is stopped.
For physique or performance enhancement, women take far less Boldenone 300mg undecylenate than men, often 50-75 mg per week. The delayed-acting features of this medicine should be avoided by women since they make blood levels difficult to control and slow to reduce if virilization signs arise.
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